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Make a Difference Today

USEFUL LINKS  –  click on the images to open each link in a new page

 Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WA) Inc
Phone:   08 9365 7455

The Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCIWA) vision is to make WA a world leading place to live and do business. They believe this is best achieved through the pursuit of free enterprise which guides their advocacy and professional service offerings. As your partner in business CCI’s purpose is simple: To make it easier to do business.

CCI helps thousands of businesses each year.

Regional Chambers of Commerce & Industry (Inc)
Phone:   0438 913303

We are here to support, inform and develop all regional Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Western Australia to ensure all businesses in regional WA have a voice and a network that is working hard to make it easier to do business.

Pemberton Community Resource Centre
Phone:  08 9776 1745

The Pemberton Community Resource Centre (CRC) is a not for profit, community managed organisation servicing the regional community of Pemberton and the surrounding area.
Established in 1995, the CRC was the thirteenth Telecentre to be opened in Western Australia.  The CRC is situated on Pemberton’s main street in the centre of the township sharing Pemberton’s historic former School building with the Pemberton Visitors Centre.
The CRC has been in operation for over 17 years and during this time has built on its services and programmes to meet the needs of the Pemberton Community.  Strong partnerships have been established with the Shire of Manjimup, Pemberton Visitors Centre, Chamber of Commerce, local arts groups, local schools, TAFE, businesses and other community groups.

Southern Forests Food Council
Mail: PO Box 1258, Manjimup Western Australia 6258
Visit: 6a Brockman Street, Manjimup Western Australia 6258
Phone:  08 9772 4180

The Southern Forests Food Council was founded in 2010 by a group of passionate local producers who recognised that the wealth and abundance of produce grown in the region made it perfect for food tourism. Its role was formalised in 2012 after receiving a $5 million investment under the State Government’s SuperTowns initiative. The investment is part of a $7 million Royalties for Regions allocation to the Shire of Manjimup for its Agricultural Expansion Project.
Nine local producers who, between them, have hundreds of years’ experience in the industry, currently sit on the Council’s Committee of Management.
The Food Council is committed to unifying the area’s world-class and diverse producers to strengthen the region’s economy, attract investment and export opportunities, promote regional pride, and create sustainable jobs. It represents local producers, culinary and agri-tourism operators who live and work in what is WA’s premier food bowl, aiming to ultimately establish the Southern Forests region as an internationally-recognised top culinary tourism destination.

Pemberton Visitors Centre

Mail:   PO Box 93, Pemberton WA 6260
Brockman Street, Pemeberton WA 6260
Phone:  08 9776 1133

Pemberton offers a range of accommodation to suit your personal preference, in town, on a farm or surrounded by the forest.  Book your accommodation of choice, pack the car, get on the Munda Biddi Trail and bike here, walk in on the Bibbulmun Track or arrive by bus, just get moving and get out and enjoy Pemberton.

Pemberton Accommodation Association

Mail:  Post Office Box 34, Pemberton WA 6260


The Pemberton Accommodation Association is a professional group of business operators each offering or in the process of achieving fully accredited tourist accommodation, in compliance with the high standards as defined by the Tourism Council of WA.
Our mission is to exceed your expectations and to provide excellence in hospitality and outstanding service to all visitors of Pemberton and the surrounding area.
This website offers information about each member’s accommodation, their facilities, contact details, and a direct link to their respective website.

 Shire of Manjimup
Phone:  08 9771 7777

The Shire of Manjimup is made up of four main towns being Manjimup, Pemberton, Northcliffe and Walpole. This website provides information and resources for our local community and businesses.

Small Business Service

Grants & Assistance
Advice and Support
Skills and Training
Phone:  13 28 46

The Department of Industry and Science’s Single Business Service is streamlining the way businesses access industry information and services by putting their needs first – reducing red tape and providing quality, consistent services at the lowest possible cost.
Single Business Service assistance is universal ­– available to all Australian businesses – made up of a consolidated online presence accessible anytime and anywhere, a contact centre and a face-to-face business facilitation network to link interested businesses with relevant programmes and services.

South West Development Commission
Phone Manjimup:  08 9777 1555
Phone Bunbury:  08 9792 2000

 The South West Development Commission is a statutory authority of the Western Australian government, with a board of management selected from the community, local governments and ministerial appointments.
Our aim is to make the South West region an even greater place to live, work and invest.
We do so by partnering with communities, government, business and industry to identify and support projects that benefit the region.
Developing the region’s economy and improving quality of life are key areas of focus.


Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WA) Inc

Phone:   08 9365 7455

The Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCIWA) vision is to make WA a world leading place to live and do business. They believe this is best achieved through the pursuit of free enterprise which guides their advocacy and professional service offerings. As your partner in business CCI’s purpose is simple: To make it easier to do business.
CCI helps thousands of businesses each year.


Regional Chambers of Commerce & Industry (Inc)

Phone:   0438 913303

We are here to support, inform and develop all regional Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations in Western Australia to ensure all businesses in regional WA have a voice and a network that is working hard to make it easier to do business.


Pemberton Community Resource Centre

Phone:  08 9776 1745

The Pemberton Community Resource Centre (CRC) is a not for profit, community managed organisation servicing the regional community of Pemberton and the surrounding area.
Established in 1995, the CRC was the thirteenth Telecentre to be opened in Western Australia.  The CRC is situated on Pemberton’s main street in the centre of the township sharing Pemberton’s historic former School building with the Pemberton Visitors Centre.
The CRC has built on its services and programmes to meet the needs of the Pemberton Community.  Strong partnerships have been established with the Shire of Manjimup, Pemberton Visitors Centre, Chamber of Commerce, local arts groups, local schools, TAFE, businesses and other community groups.


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